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Privacy Policy
User Information


- It is important to collect some information from the users of our services so that we can offer a better and more targeted website. We also need to inform you about news and relevant information. Please read this policy carefully and our terms of use carefully.


- We guarantee that any personal information of users will not be provided, published or marketed under any circumstances. This information is secure with us. Except in cases of user participation in any comments or postings. In this case, the name, email and testimonial may be published, according to our terms of use.




- It may be that we send some emails with teaching materials from the attached course in PDF format.


- To benefit from the additional benefits of the site and receive the email with information about our services, you need to register on one of our opt-in forms. This registry is stored in a protected and stealth database.


- If you do not want to receive more information, simply click on the cancellation link at the bottom of each message or notify us via email. We never send spam.




- We can use the technology of cookies to improve the user experience. This helps in identifying your IP, facilitating navigation and customizing navigation. You can block any use of cookies directly in your browser.


Sharing Information


- For security purposes, information may be shared when requested by competent judicial or governmental authorities for the purpose of personal investigations conducted by them, even if there is no court order, for example (and not limited to) criminal investigation or infringement of the rights of the author, with the exception of the hypothesis of secrecy of information determined by laws in force, or to communicate information when there are sufficient grounds to consider that the activity of a user is suspected of attempting or commit an offense or try to harm others.


- We have access links to other sites that are not covered by this policy. So, check the privacy policy of these sites, given that your information will be administered according to the policy of each of them and that may differ from ours.


Doubts and correction of data


- In case of doubts the user can contact by e-mail:


- We reserve the right to change the policy at any time.

Vendas por Atacado

Sou uma seção de consultas sobre vendas em atacado. Sou um ótimo lugar para informar outros varejistas sobre como vender seus produtos. Use uma linguagem simples e direta e forneça o máximo de informações possível para promover o seu negócio!

Sou o segundo parágrafo da seção de consultas sobre vendas em atacado. Clique aqui para adicionar seu próprio texto e editar-me. É fácil. Basta clicar em "Editar texto" ou clicar duas vezes em mim para adicionar informações sobre sua política. Sou um ótimo lugar para você contar sua história.

Formas de Pagamento

- Cartões de Crédito/Débito


- Pagamentos Offline

Formas de Pagamento

Kakah Eventos e Produções LTDA - 23.094.193/0001-92

Fortaleza - Brazil
SINCE 2015

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